Emission Control Solutions
Tanks Connected Environmental Gauge Pole Socks are designed to inhibit hydrocarbon vapors from escaping from Aboveground Storage Tank Slotted Gauge Poles/Guidepoles.
Tanks Connected socks seal in vapors that would otherwise leak from the inside of the tank through the slots in the pole and into the outside air.
Tanks Connected Vapor Guard is a "green" product, designed to reduce emissions and protect our environment from atmospheric contamination.
In April of 2000, the EPA published its acceptable technologies for the control of emissions from gauge pole socks: Slotted Guidepoles at Certain Petroleum and Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Federal Register 65 FR 19891). This volume stated the acceptance of the flexible enclosure system.
Tanks Connected Gauge Pole Socks are at the forefront of this technology. Also, refer to supplemental information here:
Slotted Guidepoles at Certain Petroleum and Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Federal Register volume 65 number 202) Tanks Connected Gauge Pole Socks are designed, tested and manufactured using Tanks Connected seal materials.
The Gauge Pole Sock / Guide pole socks create a casing around the exterior of the gauge pole/guide pole and includes a nylon zipper for installation while the tank remains in-service.